Release notes, Paragon Active Assurance software version 4.1.0


General notes

  • Please note that not all features of Paragon Active Assurance are available to every customer; rather, availability is dependent on what product or service has been purchased.

New and changed features

Running Test Agents on ACX7024 (Ultron)

This release adds the ability to install and run Test Agent Applications on the Juniper ACX7024 (Ultron) platform.

This feature requires Junos OS 22.4R1-EVO or later.

The Test Agent runs in Junos OS Evolved as a third-party container. The following active assurance measurement tasks are supported:

  • UDP

  • TCP

  • HTTP

  • DNS

  • Ping

  • Path trace

  • IPTV

  • OTT video

  • System monitor. This task retrieves details on the server on which it is running.

Key-value tagging

Previously, Paragon Active Assurance has offered simple, “one-dimensional” tags for labeling Test Agents and certain other items. This release replaces tags with more sophisticated key-value tagging, where you can define multiple keys, each of which can take an arbitrary value. For example, you may want to define a key “country”, with country names as values, and another key “operator”.

Please note that this feature is not fully backward compatible with the Control Center REST API:

  • Tags are now returned as a dictionary instead of a list of strings.

  • Tags are now set directly on each taggable resource (such as a Test Agent). The special resource for tag assignment (/tags/assign/) is no longer used.

Support for UEFI boot

Test Agents now support UEFI boot in addition to legacy boot.

Deprecated features


Known issues

Please refer to the version of these release notes found at

Resolved issues

Please refer to the version of these release notes found at