Wi-Fi switcher

This task is a utility which lets you change Wi-Fi interface parameters while running a Wi-Fi logger task. When this task executes, it modifies the existing configuration of the Wi-Fi interface (described on this page).


Be careful if using this task in orchestration (that is, in a test or monitor template used by an orchestrator). When an orchestrator configures a Wi-Fi interface, it normally does so in the course of creating or modifying a Test Agent, and not using the Wi-Fi switcher. If the orchestrator runs a Wi-Fi switcher task, it will end up out of sync with Control Center. To restore sync in such a situation, you need to run a second Wi-Fi switcher task which undoes the configuration changes made by the first.


All Wi-Fi interface parameters for which you want a specific value must be set explicitly in the Wi-Fi switcher task. It is not possible to keep the current parameter value by leaving the field blank.


  • Interface: The Test Agent Wi-Fi interface on which to change parameters.


  • Network name (SSID): New Wi-Fi network to switch to.

  • BSSID: Basic Service Set Identifier of the access point to connect to in the new Wi-Fi network.

Detailed configuration

These parameters are the same as in the Wi-Fi interface configuration GUI, which is described here.

Result metrics

  • Outcome of configuration switch: Success or failure

  • Log detailing the configuration switch process