Netflix Speedtest¶

This task instructs the Test Agent to download Netflix test segments over HTTPS from one or several OCAs (Open Connect Appliances) operated by Netflix. The bandwidth is measured via download or upload to OCA URLs provided by servers, and the bandwidth obtained is evaluated against errored second thresholds.
Each individual measurement for a retrieved set of OCA URLs is termed a measurement cycle.
The criterion for considering a measurement stable is as follows: All samples taken within a one-second sliding window must differ by no more than 10% from the average bandwidth measured within that sliding window. The stability check begins to operate only after Minimum duration, then continues to be applied (every 100 ms) until the stability criterion is met or the Maximum duration of the measurement expires.
The common test parameter Delayed start is not available for Netflix.
Clients: Test Agents interfaces that will act as Netflix clients.
Measurement cycle period: Time between two Netflix measurement cycles in minutes.
Download or Upload: Bandwidth to report: upload or download bandwidth.
Minimum duration: Minimum duration for which the measurement should run before checking for throughput stabilization.
Maximum duration: Maximum duration for which the measurement should run and check for throughput stabilization before it expires.
Minimum concurrent OCAs: The minimum number of OCAs which will be used to make measurements concurrently.
Maximum concurrent OCAs: The maximum number of OCAs which will be used to make measurements concurrently.
Thresholds for errored seconds (ES)¶
Minimum bandwidth (Mbit/s): An errored second is triggered if the bandwidth drops below this threshold.
Maximum latency (ms): An errored second is triggered if the latency goes above this threshold.
Result metrics¶
Bandwidth speed (Mbit/s): Speed of data transmission to or from the Netflix servers.
ES bandwidth: Number of errored seconds due to low bandwidth.
ES latency: Number of errored seconds due to high latency.