The Monitoring view¶
The Monitoring view lists all monitors currently defined in the Paragon Active Assurance system. Up to 25 monitors are listed on one page; if more monitors are defined, the view will be split into multiple pages, which you browse by means of page links at the bottom of the view.
Name: Name of the monitor. Click the name to view a summary of its execution. To the left of the name is an icon indicating the current status of the monitoring session; for explanations, see the page Icons used for tests and monitors.
Tags: Tags applied to the monitor. See the page Applying tags to monitors and templates.
Created: Date and time when the monitor was created.
Creator: The user who created the monitor.
Share: Icon indicating the share status for the monitor. How to share monitors with others is explained on the page Sharing test and monitoring results.
The name of each monitor in the view is a clickable link. Clicking a monitor takes you to a new view which details the execution of that monitor, while also allowing you to perform some further user actions. See the page View showing an individual monitor.
Multi-select function¶
You can apply a number of functions to monitors that you have selected by selecting their checkboxes on the far left. You can select all monitors by clicking the checkmark button at the top and selecting “All”. Select “None” in the same box to clear all selections.

When at least one monitor is selected, a number of new buttons appear (and the Tag button, which is always visible, is enabled):
Tag button: See the page Applying tags to monitors and templates.
Play button: Click this button to start a monitor that is currently stopped.
Stop button: Click this button to stop a monitor that is currently running.
Trash can button: Click this button to delete all selected monitors. (This is a
shortcut for clicking each monitor individually, then clicking the Delete
button on the screen that follows.)
Searching (filtering) the Monitoring view¶
At the top of the Monitoring view are some controls for searching. As search criteria you can specify current status and creator, as well as enter a string to match in the monitor name. If you select the Tags checkbox, you can also specify tags that monitors should have applied to them. The search function is handy for picking out monitors with desired properties, especially if a large number of monitors have been defined in the system.

Creating a new monitor¶
Either click Monitoring on the left-side bar and select New Monitor, or click the Create new button in the Monitoring view. See the page Building monitors.