Applying tags¶
Tags defined in Paragon Active Assurance can be applied to monitors, as well as to:
Test Agents
TWAMP reflectors
network devices.
For example, you can tag a monitor with the same tag as a subset of Test Agents that are going to run the monitor. This feature is particularly helpful if you have a large number of monitors and templates defined.
A tag can consist either of a key alone (for example, “location”) or of a key with an accompanying value (for example, “location:sweden”). A colon is used as separator between key and value. Tags may consist of up to 50 characters, which may be lowercase letters or digits.
Tags are applied in the same way to all items listed above. The description that follows deals with applying tags to monitors in the Monitoring view, but it is equally applicable to the other item types (with obvious minor adjustments because of the differing screen layout).
In the Monitoring view it is possible to:
add a tag to selected monitors;
remove a tag from (“untag”) selected monitors.
Note that the tags themselves, once created, cannot be deleted from the Control Center GUI.
In the search box, in addition to the text search function, you can filter the view on a selected subset of tags. The monitors having all the selected tags will then be displayed.

Adding tags to monitors¶
First select the monitors that you want to tag.
Click the Tags button at the top of the page.
You can either create a new tag or select an existing tag:
To create a new tag, type the desired string into the box, then click the Tag button.
To select an existing tag, click the down arrow and select the desired tag from the drop-down box (optionally, you can type the first few characters of the tag name to match the name). Then click the Tag button. See the screenshot below:

Each tag will show up in a box next to the monitor name.

It is possible to add several tags to the same monitor, as shown below:

Using tags to filter monitors¶
Select the Tags checkbox in the search field, and a drop-down list appears holding all defined tags.

Select one or several tags to filter the Monitoring view on these tags.
To display the full list again, just deselect the tag names in the search field.
Untagging monitors¶
The simplest way to remove a tag from a monitor is to click the cross on the tag:

You are prompted to confirm this action. Click OK.
Alternatively, you can do the following:
First select the monitors that you want to untag.
Click the Tags button at the top of the page.
Then select the name of the tag to remove (“cloud:gcp” in the example below), and click the Untag button.

The tag is now removed from the selected monitors.