Test Agent GPS location

On the GPS Location tab of the Test Agent configuration dialog you can enter geographical coordinates for the Test Agent.


Latitude and longitude are to be given according to the Web Mercator/Pseudo-Mercator projection, which is based on the WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984) coordinate system. See this web page: ► https://epsg.io/3857.

  • GPS Latitude: Test Agent latitude according to WGS 84.

    Expressed as a decimal number between –85.06 and +85.06, where a negative number means “south”.

  • GPS Longitude: Test Agent longitude according to WGS 84.

    Expressed as a decimal number between –180 and +180, where a negative number means “west”.


The coordinates must be given in decimal degrees. They cannot be given in degrees, minutes and seconds, nor can they contain letters such as “N” or “W”.